Torah #19 - Terumah - Exodus 25-27 - Who is on the Throne?
This Torah portion gives detailed blueprints for the Tabernacle, the Ark and other items within the functional worship of the nation.
It starts with the call for willing hearts to make an offering of all that God supplied them with to go towards the building of a place for God to dwell among them.
And we are still making offerings towards God's dwelling place today as God's people--offering ourselves as Living Sacrifices.
The Ark acts as God's throne on earth and it is amazing Who the Aramaic says is above or seated on the Mercy Seat--the Memra, the Word. That imagery of God's Throne in the Heavens and God's Throne on earth carries through the Prophets like Ezekiel & Daniel and even appears on the lips of Yeshua and in the Last Days of Revelation.