Advantages & Disadvantages - Jews & Gentiles

Dec 8, 2024    Pastor Kelly Reed

This message was given to a local Baptist church who had never heard of Messianic perspectives. I shared with them that the Scriptures only have 2 kinds of peoples. You are either from the Nation of Israel & a Descendant of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob OR you were a Gentile from the Nations.

And the Jewish people have great benefits and advantages over those from the Nations--Paul even asks that question in Romans 3 and gives 7 in Romans 9. Paul lays out the disadvantages the Gentiles face in Ephesians 2:12.

But whether you have all the Advantages or all the Disadvantages, whether Jew or Gentile--everyone must have an encounter with Messiah Yeshua and demonstrate the faith of Abraham--believing God so that it can be credited as righteousness.

Only then can everything change and we can both have access to God and be made into One New Man.