Common Excuses #8 - But Thats in the Kingdom, Not Now

Feb 15, 2025    Pastor Kelly Reed

Believers in Messiah are longing for His return to establish His Kingdom on earth, echoing some of the last words of the book of Revelation that says, "Amen, Come Lord Yeshua."

Many of those same believers understand that the Scriptures describe that Kingdom in very Jewish terms, accepting the idea that their life in the Kingdom will be filled with more Jewish practice and conduct than their lives in this world today.

So if that way of life is in the future, why shouldn't we start, what's wrong with living that way today? A frequent response is, that's for life in the Kingdom, that has nothing to do with my life today.

But what does that really mean? What is really left out of that statement? I don't think they realize the implications of what they're saying and the problems they have just created. I don't believe they understand what they have just rejected in terms of the power and purpose of the Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh in their lives, the Fruit of the Spirit, the nature of the New Covenant and our relationship to the Torah.

The misunderstand Sanctification and our role as an Ambassador of Messiah--one who represents their citizenship in another Kingdom while living as sojourners in a world that is not their home.

The way of life of the Kingdom of Messiah is supposed to be the way of life for believers today, in the meantime as we wait for faith to become sight.