#6 - The Great Banquet the One Nation

Nov 18, 2023    Pastor Kelly Reed

Messianic expectation in Yeshua's day believed that Messiah would host a banquet and provide the best food and wine. Based in part on Isaiah 25:6--this connects to John 2 and the Wedding Feast at Cana--where Yeshua turned the water into wine--the best wine.

Yeshua will host this banquet in the New Jerusalem with walls built on Salvation. But the gates which are open allow access to only One Nation--the nation of Israel. Only those born to that nation or who have joined unto that nation like Ruth and have pledged their loyalty to the Messiah will be entering that city. It makes the work of Messiah among the gentiles all the more essential. May that day come soon in our day.

Oh, and "from the river to the sea" is about the Greater Israel promised to Abraham in Genesis 15:18. Any other current use of the phrase against Israel is the Accuser, the Enemy of God once again trying to counterfeit and steal the promises of God for those useful to his agenda.